In this week's game design session we had guest speaker Fernando Gimeno, who delivered a lecture and tutorial on sound design for games. He talked us through various principles that one should bear in mind when designing sound for games and taught us how to effectively discuss sound with other developers. Although I am not personally planning on pursuing sound design as a career path, these are still useful skills, as they will allow me to better communicate what I am looking for from any sound designers I work with in future.
In the afternoon we had a more in-depth tutorial session, in which Fernando demonstrated how sound can be manipulated, even within a simple program, in this case, Audacity. I had used Audacity before but only for performing very minor edits such as cutting up audio clips and changing their format to fit the engine I am using. We were shown just how easily one can take any sound and transform it into something useful for game development. I believe these skills will come in very handy when developing games in small teams without a dedicated sound designer, as it will allow me to create my own audio clips rather than having make do with what I can find online.
