Since my last testing session, the rocket launcher has been implemented. It is still missing a good amount of functionality such as the explosion on impact, but enough has been added for it to be worth testing. Here are my notes from the latest testing session:
These issues are largely minor and should be easily fixed within the next few days. Work is also currently being done on the finalised level, game mode, UI, menus and physics system. With the deadline looming everyone is really knuckling down so we should have a fully playable game by the start of next week. We can then spend our final week polishing it up and compiling the final design document. I am going to continue my testing work to ensure that everything is implemented to a high standard. We are running short on time and so will likely be unable to implement the other weapons I have designed. However, we have access to a very fun art asset which one of our programmers had the great idea of converting into a weapon. I will working out the specifics of how this weapon should function and adding it to your weapon list. I am also going to design a simple melee system since the character model we have chosen comes with some melee attack animations. This should add a little more depth to the combat system to make up for the fact that we will not have as much weapon variety as we had hoped. Despite the lack of animations, I think our base player character is coming along nicely. Below you can see them T-posing to assert dominance while wielding the rocket launcher modelled by one of your programmers:
Here is some footage illustrating the current gameplay and the issues I found with it: