As previously mentioned, we have shuffled around some tasks to ensure everything gets done by the deadline. One such task that I have taken up is sourcing the game's audio. Our other designer acquired a few audio assets for demonstrative purposes back when we did our in-class presentation, but other than that, no progress had been made. I used these existing audio clips as a starting point to help inform me of the vibe we wanted from the remainder of our audio. I began with documentation, listing each element of the game which will require sound. After this, I took to the Unity asset store and found some free audio packs which fit the tone of the game. I imported these packs into the project and spent time listening to all of the sounds and deciding which clips should be used for each purpose. Below is a list of the packs I imported.
Multi-purpose cartoony noises:
Footsteps and water sounds:
I also then downloaded a clip of a water hose from to use as our Jet Whale weapon audio. The original clip was too gentle sounding so I imported it into Audacity and applied a distortion effect to it, increasing the gain to make it sound more forceful.
As I made my selections, I renamed the clips and sorted them into folders and added their file address to the document so that they could be easily found by our programmers for implementation. I also included so instructions on how the clips should be used. Here is my audio design document: