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Knock Off: QA Testing 1

With all of the core design documentation complete, my role in the team will transition into more QA testing for the remainder of the project. Having spent nearly two years working as a QA tester at Rockstar Games, I will be able to provide valuable insight for our team in this regard. In this first testing session I tried out everything our programmers had implemented so far and wrote a document detailing each issue I found with it, along with my suggestion for how to potentially fix it. Here is the content of that document:

Particles Spawn on Start

Suggested Fix: ?

Stuttering Movement While Pressing W or S

Suggested Fix: ?

Rocket always spawns with world Z velocity,

Suggested Fix: Add crosshair at screen centre to UI, draw line trace from screen centre to world, spawn projectile with velocity towards point hit by line trace.

Rocket Prefab Collides with friendly player and moves them but does not explode on terrain impact

Suggested Fix: Swap collider to Trigger in the inspector and add code to cause explosion on trigger overlap with anything

Character Model turns to direction they are moving, unless we want to animate them shooting backwards and sideways this wont work

Suggested fix: Remove code which turns character in direction of movement, so they are always facing the way they are aiming.

Mouse aiming is unresponsive

Suggested Fix: increase mouse input sensitivity

Rocket Launcher isnt exciting to use

Suggested Fix: Increase fire rate and projectile speed


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