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Knock Off: Progress Update

For our first graded assignment on this project, we were tasked with putting together a powerpoint presentation in which we analysed various game design principles, explained how we will be incorporating them into our project, and gave an update on our progress so far. We were given a template for the powerpoint to show us the type of content that we were expected to include.

The first slides that required our input were lists of the documents and tools that our programmers and designers have been using on this project. The programmers filled out their list and my fellow designer and I filled out ours, all making sure to explain exactly how everything is being used.

Next, there were several slides asking us to provide good and bad examples of certain game design concepts which we had studied in class. We discussed these as a team and I then added our examples and explanations to the presentation.

After each of these good versus bad example slides there was a slide in which we were told to explain how this is applicable to our game and what we will do to ensure that we are replicating the good examples we selected and avoiding the mistakes made by the bad ones.

I read over our examples on the previous slides and then wrote the paragraphs here conveying our plans in regard to each principle.

Towards the end of the powerpoint were a pair of slides in which we demonstrated what our designers and programmers had accomplished so far. The programmers used screenshots and a short video to display our multiplayer functionality and character movement working well. I filled out the design slide with a list of each of our game design documents, each with links to the document itself. I also added a brief explanation of our artistic direction along with several examples of art assets we intend to use.

We finished the presentation off with a slide detailing our future plans for the game. Here we listed all of the tasks we aim to complete in the near future, in order to achieve our minimum viable product and beyond.

With all of our content filled out, I took the time to format and decorate the presentation before we each gave it a final spelling and grammar check. Such things may seem trivial, but a visually pleasing presentation is more likely to engage the reader, helping them take in the information. As such, this is a useful thing to practice and can come in handy during pitches. It also demonstrates a level of care and professionalism, something highly valued by any employer.


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