Having just completed my master's degree, I need a new project to work on while I hunt for my next job. I bounced a few ideas around but settled on something I've wanted to do for a while which thankfully also fills a hole in my portfolio, an FPS. I've done some basic FPS systems before, but never a fully realised and unique game, so this will be an exciting challenge. My favourite era of FPS was the early 2010s, the height of Call of Duty -mania and the home of sniper montages. At that time I was deep into the little Youtube subculture of powning noobs with cross-map throwing knives and 360 no-scopes. So much so that I met most of my closest friends at school through our shared love of this kind of game. Safe to say it is something that means a lot and that I sorely miss. Unfortunately though, that kind of playstyle was never intended to exist in those games, hence why it was either useless (if you were new), or very overpowered (once you mastered it). Either way it caused a lot of frustration to players and developers trying to have a serious, realistic shooter experience. As such, after a few games of this being rampant, trick-shotting was gradually nerfed to the point were it was just so challenging that it was no fun for normal players to do. But what if we brought it back? What if there was a game built from the ground up to support this playstyle, a game where the whole point was to pull of the craziest moves you can? That's where Skillshot comes in.

Here's the premise from my GDD:
Skillshot is a fast-paced, competitive, multiplayer, first-person, shooter with an array of flashy weapons. Where points are rewarded not just based on the number of kills, but on how hard those kills were to pull off. It's Call of Duty meets Tony Hawk Pro Skater.
I've made a quick list of the weapons I would like to include so far:
Throwing knife
Grappling Hook
Gravity Gun
Rocket launcher
Here is a list of some of the tricks players can perform and their example point values:
Kill: Kill an enemy. +100 points.
One-Shot: Kill a full health opponent with a single action. +100 points.
Quickdraw: Kill an enemy within 1 second of swapping weapon. +100 points.
YY: Swap weapons twice and kill an enemy within 1 second. +100 points.
Jump-Shot: Kill an enemy while airborne. +100 points.
180: Kill an enemy within 0.5 seconds of turning 180 degrees. +180 points.
360: Kill an enemy within 0.5 seconds of turning 360 degrees. +360 points.
540: Kill an enemy within 0.5 seconds of turning 540 degrees. +540 points.
720: kill an enemy within 0,5 seconds of turning 720 degrees. +720 points
Wall-Bang: Kill an enemy with a shot through terrain. +100 points.
Collateral: Kill multiple enemies with a single shot. +100 points.
Quick-Scope: Kill an enemy within 0.5 seconds of aiming. +100 points.
No-Scope: Kill an enemy without aiming down sights. +50 points.
Drop-Shot: Kill an enemy while sliding. +25 points.
Ricochet: Kill an enemy with a projectile that has bounced. +100 points.
Knockout: Kill an enemy by knocking them off of the map. +100 points.
Longshot: Kill an enemy from over 100m away. +1 point per meter beyond 100.
Double Kill: Kill two enemies within 2.5 seconds. +200 points.
Tripple Kill: Kill 3 enemies within 5 seconds. + 300 points.
Quadra Kill: Kill 4 Enemies within 7.5 seconds. + 400 points.
Pent Kill: Kill 5 enemies within 10 seconds. +500 points.
Kill Streak: Kill 3 enemies without dying. +100 points.
Killing Spree: Kill 5 enemies without dying. +200 points.
Frenzy: Kill 7 enemies without dying. +300 points.
Massacre: Kill 10 enemies without dying. +400 points.
Backstab: Kill an enemy with a backstab. +100 points.
Assassin: Backstab 2 enemies without dying. +200 points.
Ninja: Backstab 3 enemies without dying. +300 points.
Phantom: Backstab 4 enemies without dying. +400 points.
Ghost: Backstab 5 enemies without dying. +500 points.
Shadow: Backstab 6 enemies without dying. +600 points.
Creeping Death: Backstab 7 enemies without dying. +700 points.
Here is a list of some of the different upgrades or perks players could equip to customise their weapons or character:
Bounce: Your projectiles bounce of surfaces 1 time. Projectiles that do this by default can bounce twice their normal limit.
Pierce: projectiles pass through enemies and can pass through 1 wall. Weapons that do this by default can now pass through all walls.
Rapid Fire: double your fire rate.
Stockpile: increase the shots before a reload.
Supersonic: increase projectile speed.
Dual Wield: have a weapon in each hand, doubling ammo count and fire rate.
Stealth: move silently.
Lightweight: more speed but more easily knocked around.
Charged: increased energy regen.
Bruiser: Increased force and damage from melee.