To move away from the default UE5 look I imported some free weapon model packs and replaced our sniper and sniper bullet models from there. To also start giving the game a little unique style I played around with the camera post-processing effects and opted to max out the global saturation and contrast on the colour grading to give the game a really vibrant look.
I have also fixed the issue of projectiles not firing perfectly to the center of the screen. To accomplish this, a line trace is drawn forward from the camera when the player fires. This line trace reaches out to the weapon's maximum range and when colliding with something, it sends the collision position to the newly spawned projectile.
The projectile then on tick, rotates itself to always face towards this target position, ensuring perfect accuracy. I still need to add a little more code to make sure this works even if the trace hits nothing, but this will do fine for now. To further this accuracy increase, I bumped up the sniper projectile speed from 10,000 to 100,000, reduced the character hitbox size by half and made the aiming down sights FoV 30 down from 45.
Here is a video of the new additions: